South Philadelphia Illustrator and Cartoonist

I Do the Doodles

I’m John Walsh, a pen and ink artist in South Philadelphia.

I was born in North Philly, moved to rural PA in high school, moved back to North Philly for art school, then back to the wilderness, and finally settled on South Philly as my forever home. Why South Philly? Because the north is where all of the murders happen and the rural area is where people get eaten by bears.

In art school, I focused on figuring out what I wanted to do for a living. After four years of education, focusing on illustration and cartooning as a career path, and earning some student loan debt I got into web design and have been doing that since 2007.

I got back into drawing in 2022. I now draw pictures for money while others sit in cubicles or sell pictures of their feet.

I spend much of my free time in my sketchbook drawing the things that make me happy; cats, babies with beards, Pikachu getting stomped out by the other thousand Pokemon. I value that weird shit that makes people ask “Why did you do this?” I did it because you wouldn’t. One of us has to be strong.

The Rest of Me

Let's Work Together

You have some ideas but can’t draw because you got a real job. I get it. Luckily I went the other way on that!